Career Accelerator for 1st Gen. college students – no degree required.

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Career Coaching & Peer Mentors

Learn from top industry experts who have launched companies and worked at some of the top startups. Additionally, receive support and guidance from previous cohorts.


Fully Immersive Training

By building a business you will learn the elements needed to succeed in the 21st century. Learning entrepreneurship works best when it’s being applied at the same time you are being taught. We give you hands-on opportunity to fully grasps concepts and launch a business.


Access to Employment Opportunities

Get to meet and work with some of the rising and growing tech companies who are looking for your newly acquired skill sets.

The Process

Problem to Passion - Create

Discover how to look at problems as opportunities and combine it with your passion for changing the world.


Passion to Purpose - Demonstrate

Take what you care about and combine it with what you were put on this earth to do.


Purpose to Product - Graduate

Learn the skills needed to create a scalable business and take what you’ve learned into a reward career.


See it in action.